το κατάστημά μας

Λεωφ. Μεσογείων 469,
Αγ. Παρασκευή, 153 43


Frequently asked questions

How can i pay for my order?

Currently, the available payment methods are cash on delivery, cash upon pickup, or bank deposit.

How can i cancel an order?

Order cancellation is only accepted for as long as the item has not been processed and the product has not been delivered (i.e., no shipping invoice has been issued), either through sending an electronic message (e.g., email) or by phone.

What is your return policy?

The customer, based on the current legal framework (Law 2251/1994), has the right, within 14 days of their purchase, to return the products to the store for any reason whatsoever and to request either their replacement or a refund of the amount paid for their acquisition.

What are the available shipping methods?
  1. Courier Company

  2. Standard Shipping with a Transport Company

    Bulky packages (strollers, furniture, playpens, etc.) are shipped either with a transport company or using our company's trucks.

    For shipments outside Athens, the product is sent via a transport company, and customers can pick it up from the transport company's headquarters.

    In the case of transporting packages to inaccessible areas that require reloading, our company covers the shipping costs up to the first pickup station.


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